From the blog of Ironic Sans comes:
Must read!
Sorting the universe's True Type Fonts
Last month, I did over 200 new fonts, 400 images, associated zip files, and generally went overboard. This month, not only am I late, I only did 29 new fonts, most of them pirate fonts. Unfortunately for me, and for Fontage, I have a business, and clients. I was fighting with Joomla! Now Joomla! is a really cool content management system, but it was written by geeks, for geeks, and apparently the help files can only be understood by geeks. After spending almost five days trying to get Joomla 1.5 working, because "We don't support 1.0 any more, so you should upgrade," I went back to 1.0 for the simple reason it actually installed.
So Fontage is a bit thin this month. Pirates, and some odds and ends including several fonts by Anthem Type. Scriptorium has a cool collection of piraty fonts in their Colonial collection. They've got a lot of great stuff. Some day, I may be able to afford to buy the real font, instead of having just the demo version.